  • 真情相约

  • 主演:赵君 刘佳 张炬 齐襄 李敏 齐欢 克里斯·马奎特 波利·德雷珀
  • 状态:第20集
  • 导演:盖瑞·温尼克
  • 类型:剧情
  • 简介:真情相约是1999出品的电视剧,于06月01日在美国上映,剧中为英语对白,真情相约导演是盖瑞·温尼克,主演人员赵君,刘佳,张炬,齐襄,李敏,齐欢,克里斯·马奎特,波利·德雷珀,卡罗尔·凯恩,DesmondRobertson,罗伯特·伊勒,比尔·努恩,托尼·夏尔赫布,伊斯梅尔·巴希,卡穆琳·曼海姆,BlairSwanson,格里高利·海因斯,RichardA.Berk,费舍·史蒂芬斯,DavidJohansen,詹姆斯·麦卡弗里,彼得·阿佩尔,MichaelWolff,杰弗里·古尔德,RaphiKammerA 10 year old gifted boy wants to be a jazz pianist much to the chagrin of his more classical oriented piano instructor. With his mother's help, he is an underage regular at a local nightspot, where he is teamed up with a sax superstar. Both come to learn that each suffers from Tourette's Syndrome (thus the film title). The older man has developed mannerisms to cover up his own fallibilities and resents the boy and his mother's acceptance of the disease.更多与真情相约类型的相关的电视剧尽在酷猫影视!

