  • 俄国宇航员

  • 主演:,Katrine,De,Candole,Leon,Ockenden,Max,Wrottesley
  • 状态:
  • 导演:Nicolás,Alcalá
  • 类型:剧情 科幻
  • 简介:俄国宇航员是2013出品的电影,剧中为英语对白,俄国宇航员导演是Nicolás,Alcalá,主演人员,Katrine,De,Candole,Leon,Ockenden,Max,Wrottesley。What if you got back home... and there was nobody there? In 1975, the first Russian cosmonaut on the Moon is unable to make his way back and is declared missing in Space. However, through ghostly radio messages, he claims to have come back to Earth and found it empty, not a living soul. His unrealistic presence and his voice will little by little destroy the world of his beloved ones.提供El cosmonauta,更多与俄国宇航员类型的相关的电影尽在酷猫影视!


What if you got back home... and there was nobody there? In 1975, the first Russian cosmonaut on the Moon is unable to make his way back and is declared missing in Space. However, through ghostly radio messages, he claims to have come back to Earth and found it empty, not a living soul. His unrealistic presence and his voice will little by little destroy the world of his beloved ones.

