  • 骑师

  • 主演:,马库斯·吉尔伯特,Michael,Praed,Arabella,Tjye
  • 状态:
  • 导演:Gabrielle,Beaumont
  • 简介:骑师是1993出品的电视剧,剧中为英语对白,骑师导演是Gabrielle,Beaumont,主演人员,马库斯·吉尔伯特,Michael,Praed,Arabella,Tjye。based on the novel by best-selling British author Jilly Cooper, this drama looks at the highly competitive world of equestrian show-jumping. Jake Lovell (Michael Praed), a gypsy half-breed born into poverty, has through hard work and his remarkable skill with horses risen to the top among competitive riders. Jake now finds himself challenging his arch rival Rupert Campbell-Black (Marcus Gilbert), a gifted rider but a contemptible cur off the course; Jake, who is just as sure a hand with women as he is with horses, extends his rivalry off the riding field when he makes a play for Rupert's wife Helen (Arabella Tjye), to whom Rupert is chronically unfaithful.提供riders,更多与骑师类型的相关的电视剧尽在酷猫影视!


based on the novel by best-selling British author Jilly Cooper, this drama looks at the highly competitive world of equestrian show-jumping. Jake Lovell (Michael Praed), a gypsy half-breed born into poverty, has through hard work and his remarkable skill with horses risen to the top among competitive riders. Jake now finds himself challenging his arch rival Rupert Campbell-Black (Marcus Gilbert), a gifted rider but a contemptible cur off the course; Jake, who is just as sure a hand with women

