  • 迷失特别篇时空旅行

  • 主演:,MatthewFox,EvangelineLilly,JorgeGarcia,JoshHolloway,DanielDaeKim,MichaelEmerson,NaveenAndrews,YunjinKim,TerryO'Quinn,EmiliedeRavin
  • 状态:
  • 导演:J.J.,Abrams
  • 类型:剧情 悬疑 科幻
  • 简介:迷失特别篇时空旅行是2010出品的电视剧,剧中为英语对白,迷失特别篇时空旅行导演是J.J.,Abrams,主演人员,MatthewFox,EvangelineLilly,JorgeGarcia,JoshHolloway,DanielDaeKim,MichaelEmerson,NaveenAndrews,YunjinKim,TerryO'Quinn,EmiliedeRavin。What does it mean that Locke is alive? How did the Oceanic 6 get back to the island? And why is the island skipping through time? Those are just some of the questions LOST producers will be answering just in time for the LOST Season Finale. Written by Tim Herbstrith from imdb.com提供Lost: The Final Journey,更多与迷失特别篇时空旅行类型的相关的电视剧尽在酷猫影视!


What does it mean that Locke is alive? How did the Oceanic 6 get back to the island? And why is the island skipping through time? Those are just some of the questions LOST producers will be answering just in time for the LOST Season Finale. Written by Tim Herbstrith from imdb.com

