  • 不良教育第一季

  • 主演:杰克·怀特霍尔,马修·豪勒,莎拉·索蕾玛尼,米歇尔·戈麦兹
  • 状态:全集
  • 导演:Ben,Fuller
  • 类型:喜剧 校园 青春
  • 简介:不良教育第一季是2012出品的电视剧,剧中为英语对白,不良教育第一季导演是Ben,Fuller,主演人员杰克·怀特霍尔,马修·豪勒,莎拉·索蕾玛尼,米歇尔·戈麦兹。Bad Education, written by and starring Jack Whitehall, follows Alfie, the worst teacher ever to grace the British education system, and a bigger kid than his students.Despite his obvious shortcomings, Alfie's position at the school is stable thanks to Fraser, the school's headmaster, who tragically longs to be as cool as Alfie. He's the teacher who just wants to be everyone's 'best mate' and is prone to massive and very public mishaps.There's also Miss Gulliver, the school biology teacher and the apple of A…提供Bad Education,更多与不良教育第一季类型的相关的电视剧尽在酷猫影视!


Bad Education, written by and starring Jack Whitehall, follows Alfie, the worst teacher ever to grace the British education system, and a bigger kid than his students.Despite his obvious shortcomings, Alfie's position at the school is stable thanks to Fraser, the school's headmaster, who tragically longs to be as cool as Alfie. He's the teacher who just wants to be everyone's 'best mate' and is prone to massive and very public mishaps.There's also Miss Gulliver, the school biology teacher and th

