  • 撒哈拉之谜

  • 主演:麦克尔·约克,JamesFarentino,本·金斯利,詹姆斯·法伦蒂洛
  • 状态:全集
  • 导演:阿尔贝托·内格林
  • 类型:冒险 战争 科幻
  • 简介:撒哈拉之谜是1988出品的电视剧,剧中为英语对白,撒哈拉之谜导演是阿尔贝托·内格林,主演人员麦克尔·约克,JamesFarentino,本·金斯利,詹姆斯·法伦蒂洛。Desmond Jordan is a archaeologist what found a old parchment, in where is mentioned the history of a 'loudspeaker mountain', guardian of a ancient and wished treasure. After of save to Anthea, the Khalif's wife, both run of evil Lieutenant Ryker and his legionaries and too of the El Hallem, a dangerous desert bandit, and while the Khalif watch to his wife, the Jordan's son, Philip, travel from London to Egypt for to find to his father, the 'loudspeaker mountain' and to reveal the mystery hidden behind It.提供Il segreto del Sahara,更多与撒哈拉之谜类型的相关的电视剧尽在酷猫影视!


Desmond Jordan is a archaeologist what found a old parchment, in where is mentioned the history of a 'loudspeaker mountain', guardian of a ancient and wished treasure. After of save to Anthea, the Khalif's wife, both run of evil Lieutenant Ryker and his legionaries and too of the El Hallem, a dangerous desert bandit, and while the Khalif watch to his wife, the Jordan's son, Philip, travel from London to Egypt for to find to his father, the 'loudspeaker mountain' and to reveal the mystery hidden

