  • 道格拉[吸血鬼]

  • 主演:Diana,Angelson,Christian,Gehring,Christina,Collard
  • 状态:高清
  • 导演:Derek,Hockenbrough
  • 类型:动作 恐怖
  • 简介:道格拉[吸血鬼]是2013出品的电影,剧中为国语对白,道格拉[吸血鬼]导演是Derek,Hockenbrough,主演人员Diana,Angelson,Christian,Gehring,Christina,Collard。Seven high-school friends begin their Euro-trip at the actual castle of Vlad the Impaler where he supposedly sold his soul to the devil over 500 years earlier, but the decrepit castle's past envelopes them in a bloody ritual。提供,更多与道格拉[吸血鬼]类型的相关的电影尽在酷猫影视!


Seven high-school friends begin their Euro-trip at the actual castle of Vlad the Impaler where he supposedly sold his soul to the devil over 500 years earlier, but the decrepit castle's past envelopes them in a bloody ritual。

