  • Morlang

  • 主演:保罗·弗里曼
  • 状态:
  • 导演:Tjebbo,Penning
  • 类型:剧情 爱情 犯罪
  • 简介:Morlang是2001出品的电影,剧中为英语对白,Morlang导演是Tjebbo,Penning,主演人员保罗·弗里曼。Julius Morlang is a successful art photographer who has moved on after the tragic suicide of his first wife, Ellen. He has found a new muse and lover in Ann, a younger version of Ellen. With the expected success of his new exhibition a near certainty, life for Morlang seems almost perfect - for now. But the past still haunts him. The voice of his dead wife appears on his answering machine - someone sends him her funeral announcement. Paranoia grows, and he is not sure whom he can trust. What is real and is imagined - and can you trust the one you love?提供,更多与Morlang类型的相关的电影尽在酷猫影视!


Julius Morlang is a successful art photographer who has moved on after the tragic suicide of his first wife, Ellen. He has found a new muse and lover in Ann, a younger version of Ellen. With the expected success of his new exhibition a near certainty, life for Morlang seems almost perfect - for now. But the past still haunts him. The voice of his dead wife appears on his answering machine - someone sends him her funeral announcement. Paranoia grows, and he is not sure whom he can trust. What is

