  • 切尔西制造

  • 主演:Spencer,Matthews
  • 状态:
  • 类型:剧情 喜剧 爱情 真人秀
  • 简介:切尔西制造是2011出品的电视剧,剧中为英语对白,切尔西制造导演是,主演人员Spencer,Matthews。Made In Chelsea is a British reality soap, set in the wealthy Chelsea district of London. The show will follow the lives of: Ollie Locke, Spencer Matthews, Fredrik Ferrier, Francis Boulle, Hugo Taylor, Milly Mackintosh, Amber Atherton, Alexandra Felstead, Francesca Hull, Rosie Fortescue, Caggie Dunlop and Gabriella Ellis.提供Made in Chelsea,更多与切尔西制造类型的相关的电视剧尽在酷猫影视!


Made In Chelsea is a British reality soap, set in the wealthy Chelsea district of London. The show will follow the lives of: Ollie Locke, Spencer Matthews, Fredrik Ferrier, Francis Boulle, Hugo Taylor, Milly Mackintosh, Amber Atherton, Alexandra Felstead, Francesca Hull, Rosie Fortescue, Caggie Dunlop and Gabriella Ellis.

