  • 远古的性

  • 主演:Anthony,Velazquez,Angelina,Bulygina,Tiffany,Chin-Sim,Mariann,Gavelo
  • 状态:第01集
  • 导演:Kurt,Sayenga
  • 类型:历史
  • 简介:远古的性是2009出品的电视剧,剧中为英语对白,远古的性导演是Kurt,Sayenga,主演人员Anthony,Velazquez,Angelina,Bulygina,Tiffany,Chin-Sim,Mariann,Gavelo。After the discovery of a brothel in Pompeii, leading experts believe prostitution and sexual slavery was widespread throughout the region, which led to the reinforcement of classes and power amongst the ancient Roman civilization.在庞培发现一家妓院后,主流专家认为卖淫和性奴制度曾经遍布整个地区致使等级和权力观念在古罗马文明中加强。from HDC提供Sex in the Ancient World,更多与远古的性类型的相关的电视剧尽在酷猫影视!


After the discovery of a brothel in Pompeii, leading experts believe prostitution and sexual slavery was widespread throughout the region, which led to the reinforcement of classes and power amongst the ancient Roman civilization.在庞培发现一家妓院后,主流专家认为卖淫和性奴制度曾经遍布整个地区致使等级和权力观念在古罗马文明中加强。from HDC

