  • 大使

  • 主演:大卫·米切尔,罗伯特·韦伯,Lachele,Carl
  • 状态:全集
  • 导演:杰里米·韦布
  • 类型:喜剧
  • 简介:大使是2013出品的电视剧,剧中为英语对白,大使导演是杰里米·韦布,主演人员大卫·米切尔,罗伯特·韦伯,Lachele,Carl。The British ambassador to Tazbekistan is tasked with securing a £2 billion helicopter contract for the UK. Things begin badly when Davis accidentally shoots an Ibex, the national animal, while on a hunting trip with the president - and are further jeopardized when an arrogant young British human rights activist is arrested by the regime on trumped-up charges. This throws Davis into direct conflict with Neil, who believes Britain should be prioritising human rights over winning arms contracts. Neil, though, …提供Ambassadors,更多与大使类型的相关的电视剧尽在酷猫影视!


The British ambassador to Tazbekistan is tasked with securing a £2 billion helicopter contract for the UK. Things begin badly when Davis accidentally shoots an Ibex, the national animal, while on a hunting trip with the president - and are further jeopardized when an arrogant young British human rights activist is arrested by the regime on trumped-up charges. This throws Davis into direct conflict with Neil, who believes Britain should be prioritising human rights over winning arms contracts. Ne

