  • 飞行员

  • 主演:崔秀钟,蔡时那,李在龙,韩石圭,金惠秀,Eleonore,Weisgerber,Nadeshda,Brennicke,Udo,Schenk
  • 状态:全集
  • 导演:克里斯蒂安·佩措尔德
  • 类型:剧情 犯罪
  • 简介:飞行员是1995出品的电视剧,剧中为德语对白,飞行员导演是克里斯蒂安·佩措尔德,主演人员崔秀钟,蔡时那,李在龙,韩石圭,金惠秀,Eleonore,Weisgerber,Nadeshda,Brennicke,Udo,Schenk。The dream of a different life: two drifters, off to see the world. An older and a younger woman are driving across the country in West Germany for a perfume company. But they have enough of their daily routine. So they decide to take their life in their own hands. They become robbers to realize their dreams: a place in Bali or an apartment in Paris. Christian Petzold’s perfect debut in feature-length film develops the overall design of his cinema for the first time, and with a sleepwalking certainty. A world where lapidary gestures are trying to hide the deepest melancholy and where characters try to override their inner stasis by an outward moving on. A word where all the sadness of existence gets comprehensible – and bearable by a laconic sense of humor.提供Pilotinnen,更多与飞行员类型的相关的电视剧尽在酷猫影视!


The dream of a different life: two drifters, off to see the world. An older and a younger woman are driving across the country in West Germany for a perfume company. But they have enough of their daily routine. So they decide to take their life in their own hands. They become robbers to realize their dreams: a place in Bali or an apartment in Paris. Christian Petzold’s perfect debut in feature-length film develops the overall design of his cinema for the first time, and with a sleepwalking certa

